Monday, April 14, 2014

Deeper 15 - The 4th commandment

Exodus 20:8-11 - “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it set-apart. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto YHWH your Elohim, in it you shall not do any manner of work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your man-servant, nor your maid-servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates; for in six days YHWH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore YHWH blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.”


                First of all, calling Sunday the Sabbath violates scripture in and of itself.  The physical Sabbath day that YHWH established at the time He first spoke those words to Moshe/Moses and the Israelites was equivalent to our Friday night at sunset to Saturday night at sunset, and since YHWH commanded us not to add to or subtract from the scriptures in any way, Sunday as the Sabbath is a violation of this commandment.  The Sabbath is not Sunday, and it’s not even Saturday.  It was changed by the Pope, but it was never changed by God.  And those who have tried to change it “back” to Saturday are closer, but also incorrect.  In fact, I have not personally verified this, but according to some reports the hierarchy of the Catholic church considers most Protestants to be under their authority for this reason.  They know that they changed the Sabbath day to Sunday and not God, and so, when Protestants worship on Sunday, they know that Protestants are obeying their rules and not God’s and thereby acknowledging the Pope’s ultimate authority. 


                BUT, this is all ancillary information added to help reveal that we have a tendency to change what God gives us for new rules created for selfish reasons.  I am not worried about the actual physical day because it's irrelevant.  Because the physical rules God set up in the Old Testament were representatives of spiritual truths, we need to understand that the physical day was a representation of a greater spiritual truth. 


On a physical level, yes it’s true that your physical body benefits from a day of rest, but your spirit-man is unaffected.  Yes, you can use that day of rest to train and strengthen your spirit, but the physical day of rest in and of itself accomplishes nothing spiritually.  The physical Sabbath represents a spiritual truth.  So what is that truth? 


The first four commandments deal with our relationship/marriage with God directly while the last six deal with our relationship/marriage with His body.  The first four commandments follow this pattern:  Do not, do not, do not, and do.  The fourth commandment is the only one of the first four commandments that is an action and not an avoidance.  In this marriage with God, we can’t be considered loving spouses if we never betray, never turn, never avoid our duty, and yet never care.  Imagine if I never committed adultery on my wife, if I never kept any good thing from her, and I never physically or mentally abused her, but I also never actively loved her.  What if I never cared to be with her?  What if I always avoided contact with her?  What if I never told her how special she was in any way?  Would that be a healthy, loving marriage?  No. 


The Sabbath was designed to give us a time to be in His presence.  It was, in essence, a scheduled date night.  It is to us now a picture of telling the world to get lost because we love Him and we want to spend some intimate, quality time with Him.  That is something we can do any time of any day.  We are not limited to Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday night bible study, or whatever.  In fact, you’re breaking the Sabbath if you are going to church every single Sunday/Saturday/whatever-day of your life, but you’re not doing it out of love for Him and a desire to be with Him, but merely out of a sense of duty. 


And, as a side note, it’s worth pointing out that the Sabbath is a prophetic picture of the seventh millennium when we will rest from our labors and He will rule on the earth.  We're not going to get into that in any detail right now, but I mention it because it is another important aspect of YHWH that the Sabbath was meant to reveal.

Scott Snyder