Wednesday, November 20, 2013

BTS (sort of) 11/20/13

We're about a week away from Thanksgiving and I just wanted to say hi to anybody reading these (which I believe isn't many, but that's ok).  There haven't been any updates in a while.  Just wanted to let you know that Paul's hard at work drawing issue 2 and I'm (Scott) hard at work writing issue 3.  For issue 1 Paul would put out a page or two every week or so but he's decided that it'll be quicker in the long run if he does the entire issue at once so he's completing the entire 2nd issue before he releases it to the site.  So that means that there won't be any updates for a while which is why I haven't updated the blog for a while either.  It seems kind of pointless since this is secondary to the comic. 

Anyway, hopefully issue 2 will be up in about a month, I'll have issue 3 finished and ready to be drawn by then, and also I may have a chapter of my new book to add to Gorillahead. 

Have a good Thanksgiving.

Scott Snyder