From Scott.
Here are some Behind The Scenes news items for you guys. I gotta hurry, though. I'm getting ready to play my Lego Lord Of The Rings. A man's gotta have priorities. :)
The script for the 2nd issue is essentially finished, but I've got some panel work to do. I realized that I'm putting way too much in some pages. Looking back I think I'm trying to make each page wrap itself up in a small way and so I'm cramming some stuff in when I should let it go to the next page.
Pages 10 and 11 were added recently. I am told that pages 12 and 13 are on their way. Paul also says he's looking forward to the end of the comic where there are some really cool action sequences to draw.
Paul had pages 1-9 up and ready in time for Minnesota's Springcon that we attended earlier this year. After that he was planning on going back and coloring each page, but decided instead to move forward with the story. I think it was a good move, but I want to know what you guys think. Please let us know what you'd prefer. Which category do you fall into?
I'd like each page in color as you go. I can wait on what comes next in the story as long as each page has full color.
Nobody cares about color! I want to know what happens next as soon as possible. I hate cliffhangers.
Or somewhere in between.
Please feel free to let us know if you have a strong opinion about it.
And for those that are keeping score, I'm trying to post something here once a week. Every other week will be this BTS stuff to let you guys know what's up. And the other weeks will be what's on my heart as I write these issues.
Tanoshinde (Pronounced Tah-noh-sheen-deh. My son and I are trying to learn Japanese. That means "have fun.")