Tuesday, August 6, 2013

BTS 8/6/13 - Shallow end of the pool

Hello again, campers. 

Not much to tell at the moment.  We're waiting for page 14 which should be coming pretty soon.  (I say that having been out of contact with Paul for about a week now so hopefully he's not working tons of overtime or something and yelling at me right now that page 14 isn't close to being done.) 

But since I don't really have any behind the scenes comic stuff to give you, and every other week I'm blogging about deeper stuff, I thought this would be a good time to go shallow.  How about going behind the scenes with me?  And remember, I'm keeping it shallow.

I love to watch football, but I've become so annoyed lately at the irate fan's "MY TEAM MUST WIN EVERY GAME OR MY LIFE IS MEANINGLESS" mentality that feeds the haters posts.  So I've kind of shortened my sports-attention-span.  I grew up an Iowa Hawkeye fan, but my wife is a Chicago Bears fan so I've been more caught up in that recently.  (Got to maintain marital bliss.)  Firing Lovie Smith was a lousy thing to do.  But, oh well, it's done.  We are different types of fans though.  I cheer for Minnesota, Michigan and all things Big Ten.  She, on the other hand, hopes Vikings, Lions and Packers go 3-13 every year splitting all of their home and away series with each other.

I'm a gamer.  I'm specifically a PS1/2/3 gamer for the most part.  I've played PC games here and there and used to own a Wii, but the PS has been my mainstay.  I'd have to say that the Uncharted series is my favorite if I was commanded to pick one, but the Ratchet and Clank series, Ultimate Alliance series, Jak & Daxter series, and Lego games are also up there among others.  The Kingdom Hearts series used to be up there and will be again once Kingdom Hearts III comes out for the PS4.

I love The Avengers.  It's so hard to pick a favorite movie because there are so many that deserve consideration for me, the LOTR movies, Spider-Man (all of them), and others, but I saw The Avengers 7 times in the theater, so I've got to fall back on that as my number 1 movie.  I like a lot of movies others consider duds.  Lilo & Stitch and Treasure Planet were considered box-office failures, but I own both.  I also own Spider-Man 3, X-Men 3, and I will own The Lone Ranger when it comes to DVD. 

I'm introverted, but I entered drama in high school in order to try to face that fear of being with people.  It worked.  I can now quote Shakespeare in front of a thousand people.  I still avoid talking with people face to face.  Oh well. 

I'm an analyst.  I study everything.  That also means it's very difficult to change my mind about something I care about because, if I care about it, I've probably studied it to death and the position I'm currently on is probably right.  (But not definitely.)  I saw a sign the other day that captures me pretty well.  It said, "I'm not arguing.  I'm merely explaining to you why I'm right."  This tends to give some people the false impression that I'm arrogant.  No, I just really, really, really know what I'm talking about.  2 + 2 = 4 period, end of discussion.  If you're trying to convince me otherwise, the only way you're not going to fail is by showing me logically and factually that I've actually been accidentally standing on the position that 2 + 2 = 13.  Show me how my process was faulty.  Don't scream at me and call me an idiot to try to belittle me into caving to your desire.  Those high school debate tactics only reveal to me that you're an ignorant bully. 

On the other hand, if I don't care about something, then advise me all you want.  I'll pretty much accept whatever you say since I'm never going to act on it anyway. 

Oh, oh, oh!  Portal and Portal 2 are awesome games for the PS3, but since they're puzzle games, I don't replay them very much.  Once a puzzle's solved, it's not nearly as fun the next time around.

I have a varied sense of humor.  Pretty much anything funny of any type makes me laugh.  American or British.  Modern or classic.  Witty banter or slapstick.  As long as it's not brutally abusive, I'm there.  My favorite wordplay comic routine of all time:  "Who's On First?" - Abbot and Costello.  2nd best:  "The Argument Sketch" - Monty Python. 

I home school my son for a wide variety of reasons.  A lot of people assume it's religious, and that's part of it, but I knew I was going to home school my child when I was in the 3rd grade.  I had an 11th grade reading level in the first grade and HATED school.  I felt smarter than the teachers.  It was dull and dreary and they were holding me back.  I read a statistic in the 3rd grade that said 90% of all students are not in the grade they should be, but they're being held back or pushed ahead to keep them with kids of their age.  That infuriated me and I wished I could study what I wanted at my own pace.  I decided then and there that my child would have that opportunity. 

I love quotes.  Being a writer, I suppose that doesn't surprise anybody.  I watch TV series on DVD, and then go back and pick out all my favorite quotes.  I currently have a "favorite quotes" list that's about 150 pages long and growing.  I've only been doing it for about a year.  A great quote can make you fall off your chair laughing or inspire you to become something greater.  The power of the word is amazing to me. 

Oh, that's about it for now.  Maybe in 2 weeks I'll get Paul to jump into the shallow end.  YOU HEAR THAT, PAUL?  YOU'VE BEEN CALLED OUT.  DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!!!!  :)
