Hey, gang. What's up?
Normally I try to rotate my behind the scenes stuff with my "Deeper" stuff, but we just finished I-Con last Saturday and I wanted to give my report.
First of all, I got some cool pics of Batman, Spider-Man, Stormtroopers, a Minecraft guy and more. Ok, I admit I'm biased towards Spider-Man, but I've got to say that I thought the most creative idea for a costume was Cyclops re-imagined as a steam-punk character.
Second, my son absolutely freaked out when I showed him the plush-doll Dalek that I got for him. He (gasp) hugged me. He even hugged me in front of people. He's put it right beside the TV in our living room.
And third, I want to say thank you to the ninjas in training that continued providing us with candy for the entire day. It was more than just the sugar rush, guys. It was the fact that it was just too cool watching you BAMF out and then BAMF back in with candy. (If you have to ask what "BAMF" means, then you're not a licensed nerd.)
It was a blast seeing all of the people. The, as I like to call it, Massive Mystical Tome was once again a huge hit. I lost count as to how many people lit up when they saw that they could open it. One person became absorbed in it and quietly read the whole thing. Everyone who checked it out was impressed. It was very encouraging to see the reactions we were getting from people.
Once again we gave away a ton of free stuff. It really helps draw people in when you're not asking them for money. You know that feeling that you get when you're at the state fair or some other similar location with dozens or even hundreds of neat booths and attractions, and you want to see them all, but at the same time you know that each one of them wants you to spend all of your money there? It was so cool seeing the transformation on people who passed by our booth: Passing by not wanting to make eye contact, to semi-interested because of a free comic, to stunned that we were giving away everything, to jaw-dropping amazed at the MMT (Massive Mystical Tome).
Thanks to everyone that stopped by and thanks to everyone that keeps tabs on us online. My fondest hope is that through us the Holy Spirit is inspiring and encouraging somebody out there. More than one would be nice, but I won't get greedy. :)
Briefly, here's our tentative plan for the future. Finish issue 2 (story and pencils as it looks now) by the end of the year and finish through issue 4 by summer 2014. Then go back and finish all 4 issues with ink and color. Once that is complete we'll see about putting that on various sites to download a digital version of it in graphic novel form. Several people have asked about getting print copies. Unfortunately, that won't happen right away. We'd love to, but the financials simply aren't there at the moment.
If you're checking us often for updates, I wanted to let you know that there will be a lengthy delay until issue 2 is ready. I said in my last blog that Paul is taking a much needed break for a week or so. Then, when he starts in on issue 2, he said he believes he could speed things up by working straight through on penciling the drawings and then go back and add all of the dialogue. So there won't be a page up every couple of days. If it works the whole thing will be up in one shot after a few months. Or maybe large chunks of it will be out sooner. We'll see what happens. Either way, please be patient with us. We want to get it to you as fast as we can. Issue 2 gets into the spiritual warfare side of things and Martin wonders what God needs him for with Spiritman here. Chelsea and Cameron want some answers as to what's going on too.
And I'm going to start adding pieces of a story to Gorillahead. I apologize that it will be in novel form and will not be added as a comic. Paul can only draw so much at a time. I don't want to kill him. The story's title is called "Valid". Sorry, but that's all the tease you get right now. I'll drop other teases in later BTS posts.
For now, have fun.
Tanoshinde. (I've been told that means "have fun" in Japanese. I hope that I haven't been lied to and that it's actually something very offensive.)
Scott Snyder